HomeSurgery ArticlesLessons Learned from Pre and Post Hip Replacement Surgery

Lessons Learned from Pre and Post Hip Replacement Surgery

Undergoing hip replacement surgery is a life-altering choice that can provide tremendous comfort and greater quality of life to those who feel hip discomfort and limited mobility. The process of readying oneself for, and recuperating from, the operation has some difficulties associated with it which can affect the entire journey. From the pre-surgery check-up until the post-operative recovery period, this trek offers a chance to gain crucial insights into one’s physical and mental health.

In this article, we will explore the lessons gleaned from both the pre- and post-surgical phases of hip replacement. We aim to provide those considering or recovering from this transformative procedure with insight and advice to help them make a successful journey. Understanding these lessons will enable patients to be better prepared for their hip replacement, allowing them to navigate the process with greater assurance and understanding for a more positive outcome.

Overview of Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is an extensive operation that entails substituting the hip joint with an artificial one. It is usually only considered after other treatments, such as medication and physiotherapy, have been unsuccessful. The procedure typically takes two hours, with general anaesthetic administered so that you will be in a sleep-like state. Following the surgery, you usually stay in hospital for three to five days.

In most instances, hip replacement surgery can be successful, relieving pain and improving your mobility. To ensure the best possible recovery, it is important to adhere to the postoperative advice your surgeon may provide you regarding rehabilitation exercises.

What I Wish I Knew Before Surgery

Gauging the success of hip replacement surgery can be challenging. Every patient’s individual circumstance can influence post-surgical outcomes, but there are some broader lessons to take away from other patients’ experiences. Before undergoing this procedure, yourself, here are some points worth considering:

  • The level of pain you experience after the surgery might not be what you anticipated. While some people may feel very little discomfort shortly after, others claim it’s quite uncomfortable. Thus, it is important to pay attention to your body and take things easy during the early stages following the operation.
  • One’s recovery from hip replacement surgery can vary greatly. While some individuals can regain their pre-op mobility within a few months, others may take up to a year or more. Do not measure your progress against other people – rather, concentrate on your own gains day by day.
  • Physical therapy is an essential part of the rehabilitation process for many individuals. To maximize the potential of recovery, some opt to work with a physical therapist at an outpatient center, while others complete exercises in the comfort of their own home under the instruction of their specialist or physiotherapist. Whichever route you take, be prepared to invest time and effort in order to regain full functioning of your hip joint.
  • During the initial post-surgery period, it may be helpful to enlist assistance with tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning and bathing as they could prove difficult until you are back to your normal level of mobility. Planning ahead for this eventuality can reduce the amount of stress put on yourself.

Remember that hip replacement surgery is an individual experience – while it might be similar to others, it could also be completely different. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any concerns prior to the procedure so you can make an educated decision on whether or not this is the right option for you.

Different Types of Pre and Post Surgery Care

Following a hip replacement operation, proper care is critical in achieving a successful recovery. Depending upon the extent of your procedure and your personal requirements, you may be presented with an array of pre- and post-operative attention. Below is a synopsis of the nature of care which could be provided to you prior to and following such an operation:

Pre-operative Care:

Prior to your hip replacement surgery, you will meet with your surgeon to discuss the details. Afterwards, you will undergo a physical and various test to assess your health for the operation. After that is complete, you will receive instructions on how to ready yourself for the day of surgery. These may include diet and exercise suggestions in addition to when to abstain from food and drink before the procedure takes place.

Post-operative Care:

Following your hip replacement surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room where medical staff can monitor your condition. Pain medication will be administered as required to alleviate any pain and discomfort experienced after the procedure. In many cases, drains may also be employed to clear up excess liquid from the region. After you have regained full consciousness and are stable, you may either be moved to an ordinary hospital room or sent home with directions for post-operation care.

Preparing for Surgery Recovery

Once your hip replacement surgery has been completed, it’s important to be aware that the recovery period will take several weeks. To best prepare for this process, consider doing the following:

  • Make sure to get enough sleep before your operation so you can aid your body in recovering more rapidly after the procedure.
  • Adding a balanced diet to your lifestyle and making sure to drink plenty of water can promote healing and foster recovery.
  • Engaging in regular exercise prior to surgery can aid in improving your physical stability and endurance, which will be beneficial during the healing process.
  • If you’re a smoker, it’s advisable to quit at least one month before surgery. Smoking impairs the healing process, thus it’s in your best interest to discontinue the habit sooner rather than later.

How to Avoid Common Post Surgery Complications

One of the post-op risks of undergoing a hip replacement surgery is infection, dislocation, and stiffness. While typically not severe, these can be handled via medication or physical therapy in most cases. In rare instances, however, revision surgery could be required.

Your doctor is likely to advise you to take steps in order to lower the chances of post-surgery problems. This could include:

  • Avoid smoking or using tobacco products before and after surgery
  • Maintain good blood sugar control if you have diabetes
  • Start physical therapy soon after surgery
  • Take antibiotics as prescribed to prevent infection
  • Wear a sling or hip abduction device as directed to keep your hip in place

Tips To Make Healing Easier

  • Write down everything you need to accomplish in the run-up to your operation; this will give you a sense of control and help to alleviate unease.
  • Before scheduling your surgery, speak with your surgeon about the procedure and what to anticipate before, during, and after the operation. This will help equip you with the information you need to feel prepared.
  • Remain physically active and carry out exercises your surgeon or physiotherapist suggests in order to increase flexibility and fortify the muscles.
  • Eating healthy foods and staying hydrated are essential to keeping your body strong and aiding in the healing process.
  • Using your doctor’s prescription, take the necessary pain medication to relieve discomfort and aid in recovery.


Overall, pre and post hip replacement surgery can be a challenge. However, it can also bring about greater knowledge and understanding of your body and how best to take care of yourself in the long-term. To be successful, consider preparing for the procedure beforehand and talking with medical professionals throughout. Attend any physical therapy sessions that are required after the surgery. During recovery, listen to your body’s needs and manage an active lifestyle while avoiding activities that could cause damage to the hip region. Taking these steps will help you better prepare for this life-changing journey.


1. How long does it take to recover from hip replacement surgery?

Generally speaking, most people can anticipate a full return to their range of movement and ability to move after three to six months. However, the healing process varies from individual to individual. It is critical that you adhere to your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions and rehab regimen for a successful result.

2. Do I require any pain relief after having hip replacement surgery?

It is likely you will need to take some form of pain relief for the initial weeks post-surgery. Your physician will provide the correct medication and dose tailored to your specific circumstance. Additionally, they may suggest taking over-the-counter medications to help ease any discomfort.

3. What limitations will I face after the operation?

Your surgeon will provide you with certain activity restrictions according to the kind of hip replacement you had. During the initial 4-6 weeks following your surgery, abstain from any high-impact activities or exercises, like running or jogging. Once you have healed properly, your doctor can instruct you on how to reintegrate these activities into your routine.

4. What are the potential risks and complications associated with hip replacement surgery?

Any surgical procedure carries the potential for risks and complications, including hip replacement surgery. Nevertheless, generally, the outcome is successful and issues are minimal. Commonly encountered complications include infection, bleeding, blood clots, nerve damage and joint dislocation.

5. What is the projected life expectancy of my newly-implanted hip?

Hip replacements can last up to 15-20 years with the right care and maintenance. Proper upkeep can depend on the activity it is exposed to as well as the individual’s upkeep, varying from one person to another.