HomeSurgery ArticlesHow Long Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye

How Long Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. This affects vision, causing blurriness, glare, and difficulty seeing at night. To restore clear sight in this case, cataract surgery is an effective procedure that involves removing the cloudy part of the lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens (IOL). IOLs are made of plastic or silicone and are crafted to mimic the natural focusing power of a healthy lens. Typically, the operation is provided for on an outpatient basis and takes about 15 minutes. Afterwards, you should cover your eyes with a shield and sunglasses to protect them from injury and possibly reduce pain and discomfort, which can be addressed through medication if necessary.

Cataract surgery is a popular and successful procedure carried out in Australia that often results in marked improvement of vision. Deciding when to have cataract surgery on each eye can be tricky, but don’t worry – our blog post is here to help. Take a few minutes and let us guide you through the process of understanding how best to time the surgeries.

What is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery repairs the eye by removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This ensures you can see clearly once again, without the fuzzy or blurry vision caused by cataracts.

For most individuals, both eyes are affected by cataracts, but it is common to only operate on one at a time. This facilitates a gradual recovery as well as maintaining sight during the healing process. The interval between surgical procedures for each eye is determined by how quickly the initial operation mends and the vision afterward.

Cataracts are rampant in the elderly population, with more than half of all Americans aged 80 and up affected. While there is no cure other than surgery, it can restore clear vision.

How Long Should You Wait Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye?

The typical individual typically develops cataracts in both eyes, though one might be more advanced than the other. Generally, it is suggested to perform surgery on the eye with greater impairment first. After the first eye has recuperated and its sight has steadied, the procedure for the second can then take place.

The length of time recommended between surgeries is not absolute; however, most physicians suggest allowing a few months for the first eye to recover and adjust to its new intraocular lens (IOL). Such a gap affords an opportunity to assess how well the IOL functions and if you’re pleased with the outcome.

If you are unhappy with the result of the initial operation or experience any difficulties, there is a possibility that the second surgery will be completed in a shorter time frame. More often than not, however, it is recommended that some time passes before having cataract surgery on the other eye.

Preparing for Cataract Surgery: Before, During, and After

Before cataract surgery, a comprehensive eye exam is necessary. Your surgeon will assess your eye health and determine if you’re an eligible candidate for the procedure. Moreover, they will explain the various intraocular lenses (IOLs) available to you and which one would suit you most.

Prior to your surgery, you must cease taking specific medications, such as blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions about when to stop taking these treatments and what other preparations you need to do.

On the day of surgery, the type of anesthesia you will receive will be based on your individual circumstances and preferences. Once it takes effect, your surgeon will create tiny incisions in your eye and place an IOL. To end, they will secure the incisions using stitches or self-dissolving staples.

After surgery, you will typically spend a few hours in recovery before being sent home. To ensure your safety, it is best to have someone else drive you as anesthesia may still be affecting your vision. For the next day after discharge, you should not get behind the wheel or operate heavy machinery.

Most people may find some degree of inconvenience after cataract surgery, such as itchiness, tearing, or mild discomfort. To manage these symptoms, over-the-counter medication can be used and generally by the end of a few days have gone away.

Risks Associated with Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery carries risks, though they are usually uncommon. These can include:

  • Infections pose the greatest risk, potentially leading to irreparable harm to the eye. These typically occur shortly following the procedure.
  • Occasionally, bleeding may happen during or following an operation; however, it typically stops naturally.
  • A detached retina is an uncommon complication that may take place if the rear of the eye is not supported properly during surgery. If it is left untreated, this can result in blindness. Quick action must be taken to avoid this.
  • Glaucoma is a condition that can cause damage to the optic nerve due to elevated pressure in the eye. It is sometimes observed more often in those who have undergone cataract surgery.

What to Expect After the Procedure

After cataract surgery, you will need to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. This includes:

You should always wear an eye shield, except when eating or washing your face. This will provide protection for your eye against any accidental bumps or rubs.

Adhering to your medication routine is of utmost importance. Antibiotics can help avoid infection, while anti-inflammatory drugs reduce inflammation.

Using the eye drops which have been prescribed for you will help to lubricate and refresh your eye. For the next few weeks, it’s important to steer clear of any strenuous physical activity, including lifting heavy items, swimming, or engaging in contact sports.

You should also expect some of the following after cataract surgery:

  • Your vision may be hazy for a period of days or weeks following the procedure; however, this is perfectly normal and should improve gradually.
  • After surgery, it’s normal for your eye to be swollen. This should gradually lessen over a period of days or weeks.
  • You may feel discomfort, which could include pain, itchiness, or burning, post-surgery. This can likely be managed through medications.
  • Light sensitivity is common after surgery and can last for days or weeks. Nonetheless, your eyes will ultimately adjust to the light in due course.

If you have any qualms regarding your recuperation, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor.

Managing Symptoms Through Recovery & Follow Up Care

It is critical to monitor your condition and attend all follow-up appointments after cataract surgery. Recovery periods vary from person to person, but are usually not too long. Many patients note only slight irritation or discoloration around the eye, which tends to dissipate within a week or so. Refrain from rubbing or putting pressure on the eye while it is recovering. Your doctor might prescribe eye drops to relieve any pain or redness. These follow-up visits enable your doctor to check on your progress and guarantee that everything is healing accordingly.

Alternatives to Consider Before Undergoing Cataract Surgery

Patients who are considering cataract surgery have various options available. Waiting to see if the condition will worsen over time may be advised for some, while glasses or contact lenses might offer a suitable remedy for those with only one eye affected by cataracts. Surgery on one eye before deciding on the other could be beneficial for those unsure of whether both eyes need treatment.


To sum up, the amount of time between cataract surgeries for each eye is specific to each person’s situation. Ultimately, your physician is best able to tell you how much time should elapse between procedures. It’s critical to have a discussion with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions, so that the best outcome can be achieved.


1. What is the time frame between cataract operations on each eye?

Typically, people will need to wait a minimum of two weeks between surgeries. However, this may vary, depending on your unique circumstances. Your doctor should be able to provide you with a more precise timeline.

2. Once the procedure is complete, you will be able to view the results right away.

It is not uncommon for your vision to be a bit foggy or vague right after surgery. However, it should become progressively clearer as time passes. You may require glasses or contact lenses during this period.

3. What is the duration of the effects?

Cataract surgery is generally long-lasting, though in some situations the cataracts might come back. These potential increases if you go through other medical conditions that could lead to the development of cataracts. Scheduling routine checkups with your doctor can help make sure that any new cataracts are diagnosed early and treated accordingly, if needed.

4. Is there potential for any dangers linked with the operation?

Cataract surgery carries the same risks as any type of operation. These encompass infection, blood loss and responses to the anesthetic administered. Nevertheless, serious outcomes are unusual and usually, patients don’t experience difficulties after the procedure is over.

5. What are the potential benefits of surgery?

Cataract surgery offers major benefits in terms of sight enhancement. Most people find that their vision is substantially better, and sometimes even corrected to optimal or near-optimal levels. In addition to improved clarity, cataract surgery can also reduce glare and enhance color vision for a clearer view of the world.