HomeSurgery ArticlesDo Surgeons Get Squeamish?

Do Surgeons Get Squeamish?

Surgery is one of the most important procedures carried out in any health facility around the world. It is an intensive process that requires ultimate professionalism. Any chance of a mistake can be catastrophic. Surgeons are highly trained professionals, there are several types of surgeries that require specialists or even a general surgeon.

Most people wonder how it is like to become a surgeon. Several details are exciting about surgery one of these is whether a surgeon gets squeamish during surgery. During surgery a surgeon can get grossed by blood, patient’s illness, and exposure to such uncomfortable things can make a doctor get squeamish.

Squeamishness is a feeling of discussed repulsion and faintness. It is caused by exposure to disturbing external solutions such as medical emergency cases. Squeamishness is always associated with symptoms such as vomiting, shaking, lightheadedness, dizziness and pallor.

It Improves With Time

During the training, surgeons are prepared to deal with such things during their practice. Therefore, the Moore they get used to these things the better and easier it will become for them.  Research shows that those doctors who used to get squeamish during training improved and by the time they start to practice, they are more comfortable during the operation.

By the timeout surges are beginning to practice, most of these things already feel like a routine. When most surgeon learns about the science and technicality behind these disturbing situations, it gets our interesting rather than off-putting.

It is important to note that being squeamish is normal but when you understand what goes on and the reason behind some things, it gets easier.

Things That Can Make Surgeons Get Squeamish

Several things can cause a surgeon to get squeamish. They can encounter all these during their practice but most of these happen during an operation.


Most people are not comfortable with blood. Some are even scared of it. It is a normal experience that most people face. The most off-putting thing is when the blood belongs to someone else for example from a patient. It can be even more disturbing when the blood is pulsating from damaged blood veins or arteries.

Bodily Fluids

The human body contains several bodily fluids that can make us a chance to get squeamish. Some of these include pus, blood, water, etc. When these fluids are oozing from someone’s body is a disturbing experience that can make someone feel squeamish.

Observing Someone Feel Pain

Surgeons encounter several types of diseases, sickness, and trauma cases that they need to deal with. Some of this causes extreme pain to patients and therefore they can be moaning and suffering. When you conserve someone who is experiencing pain, it can be very disturbing and might cause squeamishness.


Not all surgeries go as planned some fail and a patient ends up dying. This can cause a lot of trauma to surgeons and it can also be a cause of them getting squeamish. Experiencing death is not pleasant especially for surgeons because it comes with psychological torture as they try to think whether they did their best to save a life of a patient.

How Surgeons Cope With Getting Squeamish

In most cases, getting squeamish can not go away easily, it needs some intervention. There are a few things that can be done to improve the situation. Most of these coping mechanisms are mainly applied to med students to prepare them for better practicing.

Repeated Exposure

The more you get exposed to something the more you get used to it. Therefore, Surgeons get more exposure to cases that are disturbing which are likely to cause squeamishness. With time, they start by exposing themselves to minor procedures, the ones that are likely to cause less squeamishness and later get exposed to more disturbing situations. With time, everything improves and they get comfortable conducting the surgery.


There are several forms of therapies available that surgeons get to help them cope with exposure to disturbing situations during their practice. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the best form of therapy to rectify the feeling of squeamishness.

Talking To A Counselor

The other thing that helps in this situation is getting therapy from a professional. They will take you through the journey of self-discovery to help you address your fears and better cope with the disturbing procedures that you encounter during surgery.

This is important because most surgeons have admitted that most fear and squeamishness does not come from the scene itself but it comes from the fear that they might not be able to rectify the disturbing scene such as bleeding.

Accepting That It’s A Normal Experience

Surgeons are required to accept the fact that the feeling is a normal body response which gives the body a feeling of calm and accepts the situation.

Learn To Relax

Relaxation is important to deal with squeamishness. Our bodies tend to react differently to various situations. However, if we learn how to relax several things will be solved. One of the virtues of a good surgeon is to become amidst any crisis. They can conduct their surgery effectively when they are relaxed.


Most of the causes of squeamishness are when you are not fit. As a surgeon, it is important to ensure that you take care of yourself by doing the basics in such as eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising. This will improve your overall well-being and therefore you’re going to handle any situation with the right approach.

These approaches are widely used in dealing with getting squeamish. It is important to note that it is a bad thing to get squeamish amid a surgery which can translate to a negative picture towards the patient. Surgeons are trained on how to deal with this situation and therefore it is rare to find a surgeon who gets squeamish during a surgery.

In most cases, squeamishness is always linked with medical phobia. This is a result of experiences that someone gets during a medical emergency or situation.  Surgeons are the main individuals dealing with such kinds of experiences. Luckily they are trained and prepared to deal with such situations and most of them find it a normal thing every time we experience disturbing occasions.