HomeSurgery ArticlesConstipation After Surgery | When To Worry?

Constipation After Surgery | When To Worry?

Constipation after surgery is a huge problem. Especially so if you have just gone through a type of surgery that has caused trauma or severe change to the bowel within your body, like abdominal. If you have constipation issues, we will try to give you information about when to worry. Constipation is one of the most common symptoms that surgery patients have to deal with afterward.

Constipation after surgery can be the result of many things. Fortunately, you can usually correct constipation with changes in your diet and lifestyle. This article will discuss the causes of constipation, how to prevent it, and what to do if it happens after surgery.

Causes of Constipation After Surgery

There are several causes of constipation after surgery. The discomfort and pain caused by the condition make it unbearable for you. If you have experienced constipation after surgery, you must know how to get over it as soon as possible. If you experience constipation, it’s even more frustrating because you cannot understand why your body is not working correctly after the surgery.

1. Lack Of Fiber In The Diet

There are several reasons for constipation after surgery. The lack of fiber in the diet is a common reason that can often be prevented by modifying your diet before and after surgery. There are several types of fiber diets you can take to rectify the issue.

2. Side Effects Of Medication

The causes of constipation may include a side effect of certain medications given to combat post-operative pain. Caring for yourself properly after surgery can help prevent and lessen the severity of constipation due to its side effects. This will help you return to your regular bowel habits as quickly as possible after any surgery.

3. Slower Transit Time

The food takes longer than usual to get from the stomach to the small intestine. It is not strange for the stomach to be thinner and hold less food. This can make a person feel stomach full and bloated when they eat just a small meal.

4. Not Drinking Enough Water

One of the most common causes of constipation after surgery is dehydration and not drinking enough water. No doubt that with recent surgery, you have to take some special precautions to ensure proper recovery. It’s a pretty simple formula: more significant fluid intake equals less strain on the colon. The colon is the large intestine, where bowel movements pass through to excrete. The average adult typically has a bowel movement two or three times per day; however, if you had a recent surgery, this may take longer than usual.

5. Fear of Pain When Using The Toilet

Once you have your surgery, there is a fear of using the toilet because of pain. Having trouble going number 2 for the first few days or weeks after surgery is also widespread. This can cause constipation as you hold up bowel movements.

When You Should Worry?

Are you struggling with the constipation issue after surgery? Below are the moments where you should start to be worried. You should seek medical advice as soon as you experience one or a combination of the following symptoms.

Lack of Bowel Movement In About 3 Days

You’re supposed to be having two or three bowel movements a day, but you haven’t had one after three days. Your situation might be slightly more urgent than usual.

You Have Bloating And Flatulence

You will likely experience symptoms of gas and bloating after surgery. This usually appears a few days after surgery and lasts for a few weeks, but it can continue afterward, indicating a more severe problem.

You Have Fever, Chills, Or An Upset Stomach  

These signs and symptoms are caused by your body’s attempt to fight off the infection. These can be signs of infection. Stay in touch with your doctor or nurse as they will tell you how to treat them.

When You Are Weaker Than Usual

When you suddenly have less strength or energy than usual, it can be very worrying. Depending on the cause, this symptom can appear with constipation or diarrhea. It’s essential to have a doctor diagnose these conditions to be treated with appropriate medications.

When Your Pain Worsens

During your recovery period, you may experience constipation. It depends on many varied factors, like your overall health condition and the kind of surgery you had. But there’s a point when you should worry about constipation, and this is when your pain worsens.

What To Do About It?

The stressful and frustrating time during recovery after surgery can make constipation a side-effect that is hard to deal with. A lot of people don’t know what to do about it, so we’ve put together a few tips and practices that that can help you.

Get Plenty Of Fluids

Proper fluids help prevent constipation. Drinking plenty of fluids will help to prevent you from becoming constipated and will also help to speed your recovery. So, make sure that you drink lots of water when you have surgery and ask a family member or friend to keep giving you drinks if needed.

Drink Herbal Tea

If you have a lot of trouble with constipation after surgery, drinking herbal tea is one idea that may help. To relieve this problem, you can drink herbal tea. It has been used effectively if there is no blockage in the intestine and constipation is due to only inadequate contraction of the bowels.

Exercise As Soon As You Can

Doing an exercise after surgery will help your bowels to move more quickly. If you wait too long after surgery, it may be too late. The small intestine is not supposed to stop moving, so it is essential to keep yourself moving.

Consider A Laxative Or Stool Softener

If you are dealing with constipation after surgery, consider adding a laxative to your diet. The right choice for you will depend on your medical condition and current medications.

Constipation after surgery is indicated as one of the most common problems in patients after surgeries. It is mainly caused due to anesthesia and pain killers that are administered for pain relief.

In this article, we have discussed some scenarios where you must worry about constipation after surgery and some simple home remedies that can help you get rid of constipation. It is, however, recommended that you should seek immediate care if you experience something out of the ordinary.